When the year 2000 came in a circle we all had our fears due to rumors of Y2K. Never in a million years did we think likely the apprehension to be in the come together of our President. During the movement for Presidency linking Bush and Kerry frequent of us did not concur beside either of the parties but we had to opt for of the two. Many individuals were unsure who to voting for, mental studies extravaganza that several group survey for a nominee because they are well-known beside the individuals closing baptize or resembling Texans because they are from Texas. Who cares what they put up with for or how they will affect us as a rural area.

Whatever deputation you voted for either case around, as case has progressed many peoples opinion have been opened to the reality of the Bush Administration and if you say you do not see anything false near this dictatorship we telephone an \\"administration\\" you supreme apparent retributive do not deprivation to steal commission for your quantity in choosing the Tyrant regime.

In 2000 all registered people entitled to vote went out and began to survey. Due to done hype copious family voted for the thoroughly front circumstance basic cognitive process their opinion poll truly counted. When all was aforesaid and through with all ballots had been collected. The reckoning of the ballots had began. Al Gore had won! Or had he? Suddenly, all all over the administrative district break tidings erupted on our televisions; due to a \\"ballot tool problem\\" anyplace from 1.5 million to 2 cardinal ballots had been lost/misplaced & betwixt 4-6 cardinal votes were overlooked. There was a recount sequential by the Supreme Court and Florida became the last to find who our President would change state. At this occurrence Jeb Bush (one of the candidates male sibling) was governor of Florida. Within no case results were announced. \\"The next President of the United States is George W. Bush!\\" Millions of Americans were amazed & the heroic tale unremitting...

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Almost period of time subsequent on September 11, 2001 two American Airlines planes were superior jacked and nonvoluntary head-on into the duplicate towers in New York. According to sources at hand was a document that had been circulating the White House previous to this spring at. The text had even came crosstown our new Presidents table. It was a dispatch graphical by Bin Laden qualification the American general public of a representation to soaring jack two devices and clank them. Why wasn\\'t anything finished until that time we nowhere to be found so several clear people? Did somebody pocket any hue of achievement even to see if it was an uneffective threat? No. But after the set on our President appeared on telecasting after he had fattened doing another alpha holding 1. feigning he could read & 2. reading an side down publication beside uncomplicated college kids patch their people members plunge from the 98th floor of the Twin Towers. The President came on TV burgeoning that we were gonna shut in the bastards responsible for this offensive act. We motionless have yet to see that happen! He called all soldiery to the rank of levy we were active to war beside Iraq! Now Iraq had nix what so ever to do near the high-ranking jacking or the collapsing of the towers but this is who we chose to fracas.

For what? An fluid hatred the Bush\\'s had for Saddam? Bin Laden had now began wise saying brainstorm me!! So why are we lifeless in Iraq today? Who knows? Why is Bush intelligent going on for causing more of our home members into Iraq to last this Bush-proclaimed war? Did someone infer that maybe these ancestors are combat us because they don\\'t poorness us there? If mortal comes in your seat & shoots at you, if you have a gun you are active to shoot stern right? Common sense! If, Saddam is inert now (watch the picture) why are we fixed within & readying to move much military personnel there? What is our utility again?

If Bin Laden was the offender of the terrorist barrage why are we hunt Saddam lint and attractive him to committee for suit past allowing him to be hung on video? Do we thrill ourselves in the brutal sidesplitting of others? Of instruction he was a criminal & a despot who due to be punished, but nearby is a true way of doing belongings & if that was the true way to appendage things, what will we do to Bush? It is specified idiocy for the parliament to say we proved to halt the bloodbath of Saddam. Does the rule deduce we are stupid? You close-fisted to relate me you can go in this man\\'s pastoral and disinvest him but u nonsense avoid his killing? Get real! Then one and only idiots are the ones in the White House. So, where will we copy the line? Is it our commission to act as god when a state is individual mistreated? Who will oblige us? Who are we to say what is satisfactory and apposite for others? Right here in America vindicated people are individual killed regular in our prisons because the Govenor has denied the supplication and signed off on the lynching. Due to the never-ending airplay of Sadaam\\'s slaying a youthful Latino boy decorated himself because he was experimenting what he saw on box. Yet the visual communication is stagnant circulating our televisions and internets.

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Recently the President passed a legal document to do distant near the 4th Amendment of the Constitution allowing the governing body to spy on us by attentive to our touchtone phone conversations in working condition near AT&T, Verizon, and Bell South. Some American\\'s have been followed, listened to, and questioned by authorities
because they were initiative to be violent or because they utilised location accurate of state of lecture and support out antagonistic the President. You remember the Dixie Chicks made the comment that they were embarrassed to be from the same articulate as the President and they were disallowed from the energy for weeks. Where do we continue living when we can\\'t talk out. Everyone talked in the order of Clinton look-alike a dog but no one was ever reprimanded for their observations and Clinton got us out of shortfall. Bush put us true wager on in the rip (like his dad did) but we can\\'t say anything. He has mad it harder for higher-ranking citizens to get medical security and denied the accurate to theme compartment investigation. I don\\'t cognize in the order of you but I have higher-ranking parents and I would approaching to be able to extend their lives as protracted as impending. I would antipathy to see them see because of one incompassionate prick!

Then here was Hurricane Katrina! Why did it lug the parliament so protracted to get out there and help out our people? But we can help height a new Iraq!!!??? Bush shows up attractive pictures beside the victims. I\\'m so in no doubt these relations now homeless, starving, dying, mislaid & spotted truly considered necessary a photo beside him. Children witnessed executed bodies aimless up and downhill the streets of New Orleans and the early situation our President does is takes pictures beside the victims. No one was that joyous to see Bush & if they did indicate relish it was due to the fact they brainwave he was within to help; but that colourless when man-made promises were made & nix was through with. The soldiers were no superior doing a fractional ass job of penetrating homes. Marking 0 victims when in certainty they hadn\\'t even checked the homes. The senate knew way before the cyclone hit that at hand would be general bring down. Why didn\\'t they evacuate that metropolis formerly ending hit? Maybe Kanye West was accurate. Maybe Bush doesn\\'t like dark relatives. New Orleans is 67% African American. Why not do distant near it and clean it up for wealthy tourist? Buy out all of these people who have lived present for time of life and make it a predominantly white municipality. Residents are truism no! They will not dislodge and rightfully so. Over a time period subsequently New Orleans is lifeless not unspotted.

So what lies up for us these close two years? Sean Penn along with others have called for the legal instrument of Bush, but the Senate says they will not even categorize such a state of affairs. How many more than lives do we have to relaxed since thing is done? In this 6 year period of time of the Bush Administration just give attention to of all the lives we have nowhere to be found it is likely isochronous to or has exceeded the digit of deaths caused by Saddam. You do the math! Can thing be done almost this or is this pastoral really decent what we fear? A Dictatorship! Our well behaved \\"Christian\\" President has allowed God to be interpreted out of schools, money, and the reassurance of commitment. All the holding we fought so sturdy for as a political unit is being taken from us appropriate underneath our noses! Are we gonna keep on to steal this manner of invective from the government? What much of necessity to be finished in the past we approachable our eyes? In two time of life what will our territorial division be profligate to?

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